Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClientHandler

Uses of ClientHandler in org.apache.wink.client

Classes in org.apache.wink.client that implement ClientHandler
 class AsyncHttpClientConnectionHandler
          Extends AbstractConnectionHandler and uses AsyncHttpClient to perform HTTP request execution.

Methods in org.apache.wink.client that return types with arguments of type ClientHandler
 List<ClientHandler> ClientConfig.getHandlers()
          Get an unmodifiable list of the client handlers

Methods in org.apache.wink.client with parameters of type ClientHandler
 ClientConfig ClientConfig.handlers(ClientHandler... handlers)
          Add client handlers

Uses of ClientHandler in org.apache.wink.client.handlers

Subinterfaces of ClientHandler in org.apache.wink.client.handlers
 interface ConnectionHandler
          Interface for specifying that a handler is the connection handler and is the last handler on the handler chain

Classes in org.apache.wink.client.handlers that implement ClientHandler
 class BasicAuthSecurityHandler
          SecurityHandler for a client to perform http basic auth:

ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
BasicAuthSecurityHandler basicAuthSecHandler = new BasicAuthSecurityHandler(); basicAuthSecHandler.setUserName("username"); basicAuthSecHandler.setPassword("password"); config.handlers(basicAuthSecurityHandler);
// create the rest client instance
RestClient client = new RestClient(config);
// create the resource instance to interact with Resource
resource = client.resource("https://localhost:8080/path/to/resource");

 class ProxyAuthSecurityHandler
          SecurityHandler for a client to perform http proxy auth:

ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
ProxyAuthSecurityHandler proxyAuthSecHandler = new ProxyAuthSecurityHandler(); proxyAuthSecHandler.setUserName("username"); proxyAuthSecHandler.setPassword("password"); config.handlers(proxyAuthSecurityHandler);
// create the rest client instance
RestClient client = new RestClient(config);
// create the resource instance to interact with Resource
resource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/path/to/resource");


Uses of ClientHandler in org.apache.wink.client.internal.handlers

Classes in org.apache.wink.client.internal.handlers that implement ClientHandler
 class org.apache.wink.client.internal.handlers.AbstractConnectionHandler

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