Interface ClientHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
org.apache.wink.client.internal.handlers.AbstractConnectionHandler, AsyncHttpClientConnectionHandler, BasicAuthSecurityHandler, ProxyAuthSecurityHandler

public interface ClientHandler

Interface that all client handlers must implement

Method Summary
 ClientResponse handle(ClientRequest request, HandlerContext context)
          This method is invoked for every request invocation to allow the handler to perform custom actions during the invocation.

Method Detail


ClientResponse handle(ClientRequest request,
                      HandlerContext context)
                      throws Exception
This method is invoked for every request invocation to allow the handler to perform custom actions during the invocation. This method may be called more that once for a single request, so handlers are must be prepared to handle such situations.

request - a modifiable ClientRequest containing the request details
context - the handler context
a ClientResponse instance containing the response details
Exception - any exception can be thrown by a handler and it will be caught by the underlying client implementation and wrapped in a ClientRuntimeException

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