Interface SystemLinksBuilder

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SystemLinksBuilder
extends BaseLinksBuilder<SystemLinksBuilder>

A builder for generating the system links of a resource. The links are created absolute or relative to the base uri according to the configuration or request settings.

Nested Class Summary
static class SystemLinksBuilder.LinkType
          Types of system links
Method Summary
 SystemLinksBuilder allResources(boolean all)
          Determines if this system links builder will generate links for all the root resources that are reachable when the search mode is "Continued Search" or just the current active resource.
 SystemLinksBuilder types(SystemLinksBuilder.LinkType... types)
          Set the types of system links to generate.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.wink.server.utils.BaseLinksBuilder
addAltParam, baseUri, build, pathParam, queryParam, relativeTo, relativize, resource, resource, subResource

Method Detail


SystemLinksBuilder types(SystemLinksBuilder.LinkType... types)
Set the types of system links to generate. If this method is not called or if no types are specified, then all the possible types will be generated.

types - the types of system links to generate
this links builder


SystemLinksBuilder allResources(boolean all)
Determines if this system links builder will generate links for all the root resources that are reachable when the search mode is "Continued Search" or just the current active resource. If this method is not called, then the builder will use the value defined by the wink.searchPolicyContinuedSearch property.

all - If set to true then this system links builder will generate links for all the root resources that are reachable when the search mode is "Continued Search".
this links builder

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