Uses of Class

Packages that use JSONException

Uses of JSONException in org.apache.wink.json4j

Methods in org.apache.wink.json4j that throw JSONException
 JSONObject JSONObject.append(String key, Object value)
          Method to append the 'value' object to the element at entry 'key'.
 Object JSONObject.get(String key)
          Method to obtain the object value for a key.
 boolean JSONArray.getBoolean(int index)
          Function to obtain a value at the specified index as a boolean.
 boolean JSONObject.getBoolean(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'boolean' value Only boolean true, false, and the String true and false will return.
 double JSONArray.getDouble(int index)
          Function to obtain a value at the specified index as a double.
 double JSONObject.getDouble(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'double' value Only values of Number will be converted to double, all other types will generate an exception Provided for compatibility to other JSON models.
 Object JSONArray.getIndex(int index)
          Function to get a JSONArray entry at a specified index.
 int JSONArray.getInt(int index)
          Function to obtain a value at the specified index as an int.
 int JSONObject.getInt(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'int' value Only values of Number will be converted to integer, all other types will generate an exception.
 JSONArray JSONArray.getJSONArray(int index)
          Utility method to obtain the specified index as a JSONArray Only values that are instances of JSONArray will be returned.
 JSONArray JSONObject.getJSONArray(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a JSONArray Only values that are instances of JSONArray will be returned.
 JSONObject JSONArray.getJSONObject(int index)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a JSONObject Only values that are instances of JSONObject will be returned.
 JSONObject JSONObject.getJSONObject(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a JSONObject Only values that are instances of JSONObject will be returned.
 long JSONArray.getLong(int index)
          Function to obtain a value at the specified index as a long.
 long JSONObject.getLong(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'long' value Only values of Number will be converted to long, all other types will generate an exception.
 short JSONArray.getShort(int index)
          Function to obtain a value at the specified index as a short.
 short JSONObject.getShort(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'short' value Only values of Number will be converted to short, all other types will generate an exception.
 String JSONArray.getString(int index)
          Function to obtain a value at the specified index as a string.
 String JSONObject.getString(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'string' value Only values that can be easily converted to string will be returned.
 JSONArray JSONObject.optJSONArray(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a JSONArray Only values that are instances of JSONArray will be returned.
 JSONArray JSONObject.optJSONArray(String key, JSONArray defaultValue)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a JSONArray Only values that are instances of JSONArray will be returned.
 long JSONObject.optLong(String key)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'long' value Only values of Number will be converted to long.
 long JSONObject.optLong(String key, long defaultValue)
          Utility method to obtain the specified key as a 'long' value Only values of Number will be converted to long.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(InputStream is)
          Parse an InputStream of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(InputStream is, boolean order)
          Parse a InputStream of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(InputStream is, boolean order, boolean strict)
          Parse a InputStream of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(Reader reader)
          Parse a Reader of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(Reader reader, boolean order)
          Parse a Reader of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(Reader reader, boolean order, boolean strict)
          Parse a Reader of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(String str)
          Parse a string of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(String str, boolean order)
          Parse a string of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
static JSONArtifact JSON.parse(String str, boolean order, boolean strict)
          Parse a string of JSON text into a JSONArtifact.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(Collection value)
          Method to place a map into the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(Collection value, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Method to place a map into the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(int index, Collection value)
          Method to place a map into the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(int index, Collection value, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Method to place a map into the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(int index, Map value)
          Method to place a java.util.Map instance in the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(int index, Map value, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Method to place a java.util.Map instance in the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(int index, Object element)
          Map of java.util.ArrayList.add(int, java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(Map value)
          Method to place a map into the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(Map value, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Method to place a map into the array.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(Object element)
          Map of java.util.ArrayList.add(java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers.
 JSONArray JSONArray.put(Object element, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Map of java.util.ArrayList.add(java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers.
 Object JSONObject.put(Object key, Object value, boolean includeSuperclass)
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, boolean value)
          Method to add an atomic boolean to the JSONObject.
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, Collection value)
          Method to add a Collection as a new JSONArray contained in this JSONObject
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, Collection value, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Method to add a Collection as a new JSONArray contained in this JSONObject
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, double value)
          Method to add an atomic double to the JSONObject.
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, int value)
          Method to add an atomic integer to the JSONObject.
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, long value)
          Method to add an atomic long to the JSONObject.
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, Map value)
          Method to add a Map as a new JSONObject contained in this JSONObject Same as calling put(String, Map, true);
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, Map value, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Method to add a Map as a new JSONObject contained in this JSONObject
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, Object value)
          Similar to default HashMap put, except it returns JSONObject instead of Object.
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, Object[] value)
          Method to add an Object array as a new JSONArray contained in this JSONObject
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, Object[] value, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Method to add an Object array as a new JSONArray contained in this JSONObject
 JSONObject JSONObject.put(String key, short value)
          Method to add an atomic short to the JSONObject.
 JSONObject JSONObject.putOnce(String key, Object value)
          Put a key/value pair into the JSONObject, but only if key/value are both not null, and only if the key is not present already.
 JSONObject JSONObject.putOpt(String key, Object value)
          Put a key/value pair into the JSONObject, but only if the key and value are non-null.
 JSONArray JSONObject.toJSONArray(JSONArray names)
          Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this JSONObject
 String JSONArray.toString(int indentDepth)
          Function to return a string of JSON text with specified indention.
 String JSONObject.toString(int indentDepth)
          Function to return a string of JSON text with specified indention.
 JSONWriter JSONWriter.value(Object o)
          Method to write an Object to the current writer position.
 String JSONArray.write()
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text.
 String JSONArtifact.write()
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text.
 String JSONObject.write()
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text.
 String JSONArray.write(boolean verbose)
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
 String JSONArtifact.write(boolean verbose)
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying whether to use verbose (tab-indented) output or not.
 String JSONObject.write(boolean verbose)
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying whether to use verbose (tab-indented) output or not.
 String JSONArray.write(int indentDepth)
          Convert this array into a String of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
 String JSONArtifact.write(int indentDepth)
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent.
 String JSONObject.write(int indentDepth)
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent.
 OutputStream JSONArray.write(OutputStream os)
          Convert this object into a stream of JSON text.
 OutputStream JSONArtifact.write(OutputStream os)
          Write this object to the stream as JSON text in UTF-8 encoding.
 OutputStream JSONObject.write(OutputStream os)
          Write this object to the stream as JSON text in UTF-8 encoding.
 OutputStream JSONArray.write(OutputStream os, boolean verbose)
          Convert this object into a stream of JSON text.
 OutputStream JSONArtifact.write(OutputStream os, boolean verbose)
          Write this object to the stream as JSON text in UTF-8 encoding, specifying whether to use verbose (tab-indented) output or not.
 OutputStream JSONObject.write(OutputStream os, boolean verbose)
          Convert this object into a stream of JSON text.
 OutputStream JSONArray.write(OutputStream os, int indentDepth)
          Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent level.
 OutputStream JSONArtifact.write(OutputStream os, int indentDepth)
          Write this object to the stream as JSON text in UTF-8 encoding, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent.
 OutputStream JSONObject.write(OutputStream os, int indentDepth)
          Write this object to the stream as JSON text in UTF-8 encoding, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent.
 Writer JSONArray.write(Writer writer)
          Convert this object into a stream of JSON text.
 Writer JSONArtifact.write(Writer writer)
          Write this object to the writer as JSON text.
 Writer JSONObject.write(Writer writer)
          Write this object to the writer as JSON text.
 Writer JSONArray.write(Writer writer, boolean verbose)
          Convert this object into a stream of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
 Writer JSONArtifact.write(Writer writer, boolean verbose)
          Writer this object to the writer as JSON text, specifying whether to use verbose (tab-indented) output or not.
 Writer JSONObject.write(Writer writer, boolean verbose)
          Write this object to the writer as JSON text in UTF-8 encoding, specifying whether to use verbose (tab-indented) output or not.
 Writer JSONArray.write(Writer writer, int indentDepth)
          Convert this array into a stream of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
 Writer JSONArtifact.write(Writer writer, int indentDepth)
          Write this object to the writer as JSON text, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent.
 Writer JSONObject.write(Writer writer, int indentDepth)
          Write this object to the writer as JSON text, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent.

Constructors in org.apache.wink.json4j that throw JSONException
JSONArray(Collection col)
          Create a new instance of this class based off the contents of the passed in collection
JSONArray(Collection col, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Create a new instance of this class based off the contents of the passed in collection
JSONArray(InputStream is)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the input stream.
JSONArray(InputStream is, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the input stream.
JSONArray(Object[] elems)
          Create a new instance of this class based off the contents of the passed object array.
JSONArray(Object[] elems, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Create a new instance of this class based off the contents of the passed object array.
JSONArray(Reader rdr)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the reader.
JSONArray(Reader rdr, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the reader.
JSONArray(String str)
          Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object string.
JSONArray(String str, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object string.
JSONObject(InputStream is)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the input stream.
JSONObject(InputStream is, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the input stream.
JSONObject(JSONObject obj, String[] keys)
          Create a new instance of this class taking selected values from the underlying one.
JSONObject(Map map, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Create a new instance of this class using the contents of the provided map.
JSONObject(Object javaBean)
          Create a new instance of this class using the properties of the provided JavaBean.
JSONObject(Object javaBean, boolean includeSuperclass)
          Create a new instance of this class using the properties of the provided JavaBean.
JSONObject(Reader rdr)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the reader.
JSONObject(Reader rdr, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the reader.
JSONObject(String str)
          Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object string.
JSONObject(String str, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object string.
OrderedJSONObject(InputStream is)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the input stream.
OrderedJSONObject(InputStream is, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the input stream.
OrderedJSONObject(Map map)
          Create a new instance of this class using the contents of the provided map.
OrderedJSONObject(Reader rdr)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the reader.
OrderedJSONObject(Reader rdr, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the data provided from the reader.
OrderedJSONObject(String str)
          Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object string.
OrderedJSONObject(String str, boolean strict)
          Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object string.

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