Class MultiCsvTable

  extended by org.apache.wink.common.model.csv.MultiCsvTable
All Implemented Interfaces:
CsvDeserializer, CsvSerializer

public class MultiCsvTable
extends Object
implements CsvSerializer, CsvDeserializer

Represents a multiple table CSV. Contains multiple (separate) tables that make up a single CSV. The rows of the tables may be of different lengths. An empty line is used to separate the tables when serializing or deserializing.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addEntity(String[] row)
          Add a row to the last table when deserializing a multi table csv.
 void addTable(CsvTable table)
          Add a table to this multi-table csv.
 CsvTable createCsvTable(String... header)
          Create a new CsvTable with the specified header, and add it to this multi-table csv
 Iterator<String[]> getEntities()
          Return an iterator over the rows of the CSV as a String[].
 List<CsvTable> getTables()
          Get the live list of tables contained in this multi-table csv
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MultiCsvTable()
Method Detail


public CsvTable createCsvTable(String... header)
Create a new CsvTable with the specified header, and add it to this multi-table csv

header - the header of the new table (can be empty).
the created table


public void addTable(CsvTable table)
Add a table to this multi-table csv. This is a shortcut for getTables().add(table)

table - the table to add


public List<CsvTable> getTables()
Get the live list of tables contained in this multi-table csv

the live list of tables contained in this multi-table csv


public Iterator<String[]> getEntities()
Description copied from interface: CsvSerializer
Return an iterator over the rows of the CSV as a String[].

Specified by:
getEntities in interface CsvSerializer
Iterator iterator over the rows


public void addEntity(String[] row)
Add a row to the last table when deserializing a multi table csv.

If no table exists, or the length of the row is 0, or the row has only one element and it is null or an empty string, then a new table is created instead of adding the row to the last table.

Specified by:
addEntity in interface CsvDeserializer
row - the row to add

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