Class HandlersFactory

  extended by org.apache.wink.server.handlers.HandlersFactory

public abstract class HandlersFactory
extends Object

HandlersFactory is responsible to provide the user handlers to the application.

The user should extend this class and override the relevant methods.

The sub-classes MUST have the public default constructor.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 List<? extends ResponseHandler> getErrorHandlers()
          Returns a list of user error handlers.
 List<? extends RequestHandler> getRequestHandlers()
          Returns a list of user request handlers.
 List<? extends ResponseHandler> getResponseHandlers()
          Returns a list of user response handlers.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HandlersFactory()
Method Detail


public List<? extends RequestHandler> getRequestHandlers()
Returns a list of user request handlers. The user request handlers are invoked before the actual invocation of the relevant method on the resource in the order specified by the returned list.

list of request handlers


public List<? extends ResponseHandler> getResponseHandlers()
Returns a list of user response handlers. The user response handlers are invoked after the actual invocation of the relevant method on the resource in the order specified by the returned list.

list of response handlers


public List<? extends ResponseHandler> getErrorHandlers()
Returns a list of user error handlers. The user error handlers are invoked before the "flushing" the result to user in the order specified by the returned list.

list of response handlers

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